
国際音楽教育協会 インターナショナルゼミナール「音楽専門家と聴衆の教育」1974.7.27~8.2 於 武蔵野音楽大学 要請:国際連合教育・科学・文化機構(ユネスコ)、主催:国際音楽教育協会、共催:民間ユネスコ活動推進連絡協議会、全日本音楽教育研究会。議長:エゴン クラウス、福井直弘[Unesco-ISME Seminar, Tokyo, July 27- August 3, 1974の日本語プログラム冊子]



?Egon Kraus. "Music Professions and their Rising Generation." [内容説明]Report on two extensive surveys carried out by the National Music Council of the Federal Republic of Germany, covering the years 1960/61 and the period 1965-67. [Unesco-ISME Seminar, Tokyo, July 27- August 3, 1974用発表資料]、?International Society for Music Education[資料室注:Egon Kraus議長から Mr. Fukui への会議準備の進捗状況報告、Unesco-ISME Seminar, Tokyo, July 27- August 3, 1974関連]



?Prof. Dr. habil. Paul michel, Woimar. President of the National Center for Musi Education of the GDR. Results of music poycological research on the instrumental music development of children and adults and conclusions in regard to the training of future professional musicians、?Elliot Weisgarber. The Education of the Professional Composer: Observations-Philosophical and otherwise.、?小泉文夫手書きメモ:Eqou Ksaus. Opening address[開会挨拶の内容を短くメモしたもの] 、?Concert Program, July 29 [????いずれもUnesco-ISME Seminar, Tokyo, July 27- August 3, 1974用発表/関係資料]
