
CCFAC/Recommendations [Distributed in the Symposiumu on the Role of Cultural Centers and Festivals in the Artistic Exchange among Asian Countries, October 29-31, 1973, orgnised by United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization in Cooperation with the Cultural Center of the Philippines and UNESCO National Commission of the Philippines.] 当該シンポジウムの推奨事業8件を列記、「第二会議、Recommendations」と小泉の手書きメモあり、おそらく第2版、2枚。他に副本1]



CCFAC/P/5 "Organization of Festivals of the Visual Arts and the Perfonming Arts in Viet-Nam", by Prof. Nhuyen Van Quyen, Directorate of Fine Arts. Prof. Nghiem Phu Phi, National Concervatory of Music and drama, Saigon, Vietnam [A report read in the Symposiumu on the role of cultural centers and festivals in the artistic exchange among Asian countries, October 29-31, 1973, orgnised by United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization in cooperation with the Cultural Center of the Philippines and UNESCO National Commission of the Philippines.]



CCFAC/P/4 "Report on Phillipipine Cultural Activities." by Lucrecia R. Kasilag, Director, Theater for the Performing Arts Cultural Center of the Philippines, Manila Distributed in the Symposium on the role of cultural centers and festivals in the artistic exchange among Asian countries, October 29-31, 1973, orgnised by United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization in cooperation with the Cultural Center of the Philippines and UNESCO National Commission of the Philippines.]



CCFAC/P/2 "Exchange of performing artists between Japan and thetther Asian countries" by Fumio Koizumi Tokyo University of Fine Arts, Japan. [Distributed in the Symposium on the role of cultural centers and festivals in the artistic exchange among Asian countries, Manila, 29-31 October 1973, orgnised by United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization in cooperation with the Cultural Center of the Philippines and UNESCO National Commission of the Philippines. 「第二会議の日本報告」と小泉の手書きメモあり、1枚]



CCFAC/P/1 "National Council of the Arts" by Faiz Ahmed Faiz., Pakistan National Council Affairs, Advisor to Goverment of Cultural Affairs, Islamabad, Pakistan [Distributed in the Symposiumu on the role of cultural centers and festivals in the artistic exchange among Asian countries, October 29-31, 1973, orgnised by United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization in cooperation with the Cultural Center of the Philippines and UNESCO National Commission of the Philippines.]



?CCFAC/OC/3. Inaugural Address by Mrs. Imelda Romualdez Marcos. Firstlady of the Philippines, Founder and Chirman, Cultural Center of the Philippines. [Distributed in the Symposiumu on the role of cultural centers and festivals in the artistic exchange among Asian countries, October 29-31, 1973orgnised by United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization in cooperation with the Cultural Center of the Philippines and UNESCO National Commission of the Philippines.] 、?An end to exile by Inekda Romualdez Mrcos, October 29, 1973. [第二会議の自筆メモ]
