
? [International Institute for Music, Dance and Theatre in the Audio-visual MediaのDirector,ProfessorのKurt Blaukopf から Mr.Ryuichi Nobori 宛書簡] Subject: Working seminar on "The cultural behaviour of the youth" International Institute for Music, Dance and Theatre in the Audio-visual Media Vienna, February 4, 1974 [メモ「要回答」] ? [仕事内容概要] The cultural behaviour of the youth ?Draft programme (Sunday, September 22, 1974 - Saturday, September 28, 1974)



国際音楽教育協会 インターナショナルゼミナール「音楽専門家と聴衆の教育」1974.7.27~8.2 於 武蔵野音楽大学 要請:国際連合教育・科学・文化機構(ユネスコ)、主催:国際音楽教育協会、共催:民間ユネスコ活動推進連絡協議会、全日本音楽教育研究会。議長:エゴン クラウス、福井直弘[Unesco-ISME Seminar, Tokyo, July 27- August 3, 1974の日本語プログラム冊子]



?Egon Kraus. "Music Professions and their Rising Generation." [内容説明]Report on two extensive surveys carried out by the National Music Council of the Federal Republic of Germany, covering the years 1960/61 and the period 1965-67. [Unesco-ISME Seminar, Tokyo, July 27- August 3, 1974用発表資料]、?International Society for Music Education[資料室注:Egon Kraus議長から Mr. Fukui への会議準備の進捗状況報告、Unesco-ISME Seminar, Tokyo, July 27- August 3, 1974関連]
