ACCU 1982 昭和57年度アジア・パシフィク音楽共同事業委員会 第一回会議 昭和57年5月20日 Ninth experts meeting for co-production of cultural/ educational material on Asian and Pacific music. Islamabad, 25~29 October 1982 資料番号za00256
ACCU 1982 Ninth experts meeting for co-production of cultural/ educational material on Asian and Pacific music. Islamabad, 25~29 October 1982 資料番号za00255
ACCU 1981 Eighth experts meeting for co-production of cultural/ educational material on Asian and Pacific music. Tokyo, 27~31 October 1981 資料、楽譜etc. 資料番号za00254
ACCU 1981関係の資料 Samples of Indonesian music recorded on Oct.22,1981 for the Asian cultural centre for Unesco An appendix to the recordings.(containing descriptions) P&K Indonesia 資料番号za00253
ACCU 1981 Eighth experts meeting for co-production of cultural/ educational material on Asian and Pacific music. Tokyo, 27~31 October 1981 楽譜etc. 資料番号za00252
ACCU The seventh experts meeting for co-production of educational material on Asian Oceanian music. Tokyo, 28 October~1November 1980の資料 選曲リスト、楽譜etc. 資料番号za00251
ACCU The seventh experts meeting for co-production of educational material on Asian music. Tokyo, 21~25 October1980 資料番号za00250
ACCU '79~'80 選曲されたものの資料 Korea歌詞楽譜 China Iran Japan歌詞 Nepal India歌詞 Bangladesh Malaysia歌詞楽譜 Afghanistan歌詞楽譜 資料番号za00249
ACCU The sixth experts meeting for co-production of educational material on Asian music. Manila 23~27 October1979 資料番号za00247
ACCU The second experts meeting for co-production of educational material on Asian music.27-31January1976,Tokyo アジア音楽共通教材共同編集製作事業専門委員会 昭和50年度第5回会議 資料番号za00246