
?International Symposium: Cultural Base of Mutual Understanding between the Middle East and Japan発表準備用と推測される小泉の手書きメモ。The Japan Foundationの便箋16枚。日本と中東における楽器の比較や音楽理論の異動を記す。同シンポジウムは1977年3月30日-4月8日に東京で開催。会議録Dialogue : Middle East and Japan : symposium on cultural exchange(国際交流基金出版)p.121にFumio Koizumi. The Musical Culture of Japan and the Middle Eastを掲載]、?[名刺]国際交流基金総務部長 荒木忠男[横に手書きで「清水さん」と小泉メモ]



? [International Institute for Music, Dance and Theatre in the Audio-visual MediaのDirector,ProfessorのKurt Blaukopf から Mr.Ryuichi Nobori 宛書簡] Subject: Working seminar on "The cultural behaviour of the youth" International Institute for Music, Dance and Theatre in the Audio-visual Media Vienna, February 4, 1974 [メモ「要回答」] ? [仕事内容概要] The cultural behaviour of the youth ?Draft programme (Sunday, September 22, 1974 - Saturday, September 28, 1974)
