Good Evening, My Little Sweetheart

歌:Ulrika Lindholm
曲目解説に「7.」「"Good Evening, My Little Sweetheart[下線付]"」「There are a lot of songs about being betrayed, but there are also songs with the hope of getting the loved one back again.」「Ulrika Lindholm was recorded when she was in her seventies. She was born on a very isolated farm in northernmost Sweden, 40 kilometers from the nearest neighbor. She also sang songs she learned in her home.」「"Good Evening, My Little Sweetheart"[下線付]」「Good evening, my little sweetheart, sorry to bother you/ all over again, but love is the reason for it./ I don't think you mind so much that it will bother your sleep/ if you talk to a man who is in love with you.」「Aren't you my sweetheart? I surely have loved you./ You'll never leave my mind as long as there is life./ Every time I think of you, my blood moves in me./ Every time I see your eyes, my heart smiles at you.」「I ask you once again, my sweetheart, come./ If you have another one in mind that you like,/ that you have promised your heart, that you have promised to be true,/ that you have thought will be your sweetheart and have given your hand.」「If that's not so, then tell me the truth, that you love me,/ and give me your right hand to plight the troth,/ You've captured my heart so that I'll never regret it,/ and will be true to you with all my heart, my sweetheart.」「We know that this song was published in skillingtryck in 1825 and 1843. It has been found in southern Sweden, in the Swedish-language parts of Finland and in the far north of Sweden.」と記載(「[7に]丸印」「[Ulrika Lindholmに]囲い」「[seventiesに]赤色下線」「[isolated farmに]下線」「[norhternmost Swedenに]囲い」「[skillingtryckに]下線」の書き込みあり)。
Swedish Love Songs