- テープ標題
- 76 ニュージーランド
- DAT番号
- 1388
- 曲・解説順番号
- 10
- 曲名
- Halfmoon Bay
- 曲名・解説タイトルよみ
- ハーフムーン・ベイ
- 曲名・解説タイトル:副題
- The Seaman Come Home
- 曲名・解説タイトルよみ:副題
- ザ・シーマン・カム・ホーム
- 演奏者
- unknown
- 演奏者よみ
- 不明
- 注記2
- [「ABU関係資料 1976 アジア放送音楽祭(雑資料番号00279)」内の曲目解説「The Sea Folk」pp.1,16-8と台本「The Sea Folk」pp.9-10に以下の記載あり:「Track 10. Halfmoon Bay (The Seaman Come Home)」「TRACK 10: HALFMOON BAY DUR: 3'55""[下線付]」「Many of New Zealand's original settlers were old sailors who had come to the end of their sea worthiness and longed just to settle down. Many of these took Maori wives and lived off the land putting their sea going skills to good use by fishing. Some of the very earliest settlers were actively trying to escape from the law. By the 1830's Kororareka, a growing port for whaling ships, was known for its unruly population and infamous ""grog shops"". Its population has been described as a riotous group of ex-convicts from Australia, traders and runaway sailors. But Kororareka was in the north of the North Island and their were many places much further south where the only evidence of the white man was the occasional whaling station. Between these stations a man might disappear, be granted a plot of land by a Maori tribe and live out his days in undisturbed freedom. There are two Halfmoon Bays in New Zealand, one near the North Island city of Auckland which was to be capital of New Zealand for 25 years from 1840 to 1865. Halfmoon Bay is on the coast of Stewart Island, a large island that lies at the bottom of the South Island. As such it is one of the most southerly large bays in New Zealand. Its likely that with two sealing stations (Port Pegasus, and Port William) nearby ""Edward Edwards"" set up his own whare (Maori house) further along the coast and lived off the land ""with an island for his backyard"". Also, across on the mainland of the South Island were four busy whaling stations. Civilisation might be a long way away but whalers and sealers were nearby. Halfmoon Bay is now the site of Oban the only town on the island.」「Edward Edwards was a castaway sailor,/ Edward Edwards was a renegade sailor,/ He fled from the press-gang or a midland slum,/ Slunk from the bilge of a shark bright whaler,/ Fed on Bulley beef and mutton bird,/ Smelling to heaven of his salty board,/ He dressed in the slops of the prideless poor,/ Walked in the eye of a watchful law.// Edwards and his woman lived in sin,/ Briding and breeding just the same,/ And caring for two orphans a seaman left,/ Twenty years until the Bishop came,/ Mary Hina Kina was as white as a half caste,/ Gentle as the daughter of a Kentish priest/ She spoke the King's English like a currency lass,/ Though born to the flavour of a cannibal feast.// Mary and her man had two squeakers to raise/ Throats of conscienceless stuffed on her breast,/ And the sun called the mess mates the moon to tease,/ Days at the double and at night no rest,/ Still she managed and mothered the orphans,/ Friday, the foundling, a right tied lad,/ The son of a sealing gang that stayed for a season,/ Long in the nose like his unseen Dad./ Sarah the other was a moon in the spindrift,/ Bright for a lady-loving not sixteen,」「(Cont'd.......」「As dark as the last light held in a rock pool,/ Begotten by her Mother for a yard of jean.// Edwards had an island for his backyards,/ Edwards had a whare with a roof of thatch,/ A brown bessagon, to show a print of the Savannah,/ Six fat grunters and a small spud patch./ Monday to Saturday he farmed skin seal/ Sunday he hoisted his red sprit sail,/ And walked his cutter to Halfmoon Bay,/ Be it fair weather or a two reef gale.""」、台本に「ANNOUNCER[下線付]:」「And so the sealers and whalers came to New Zealand, hard men used to a hard life, and as the country began to grow into a new British colony so some of these wild men stayed on to make life for themselves. It wasn't easy but it was more rewarding than endless sailings across the seas. By the 1840's New Zealand was being systematically settled in the four main cities; Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch and Dunedin. Later in the 1860's gold was found in the South Island and colonisation began in earnest. But before the first real burst of settlement there was the odd man out, the renegade who lost himself in the South Seas. He would set up house with a young Maori girl and live off the land dodging the law and the conventions at home. He might choose somewhere in sight of the seas like Half Moon Bay at the bottom of the South Island.」「CONTROL: PLAY ""HALF MOON BAY"" TK 10 DUR: 3'55""」「ANNOUNCER[下線付]:」「And so the sailor had found a new home following the first Maori seafarers who were to live undisturbed for over 350 years until his coming. From these larger and smaller migrations a new nation was to be born.」「ANNOUNCER (CONT'D)[下線付]」「And there we leave ""The Sea Folk"" in the South Seas.」「The programme was compiled by the Overseas Programme Unit of Radio New Zealand.」「MUSIC DETAILS[下線付]」「EUROPEAN MUSIC[下線付]」「Title[下線付]」「Half Moon Bay」「Composer[下線付]」「Trad.」「DURATION[下線付]」「3'55""」と記載(曲目解説p.1に「白人[赤字]」の書き込みあり)] 。[キーワード]:New Zealandニュージーランド、Stewart Islandスチュアート島、独唱(女声)、guitarギター(lutes ビワ類1ビワ)、Irish harpアイリッシュ・ハープ(harpsタテゴト類)、chordophones弦鳴楽器、合奏
- 分類番号
- koizumi38_オーストラリア、ニュージーランド
- 録音年
- 1976
- 注記1
- [第12回ABU(Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Unionアジア・太平洋放送連合)放送音楽祭参加テープのダビング。]