- DAT番号
- 1313
- 曲・解説順番号
- 2
- 曲名・解説タイトルよみ
- ラーヴニ
- 注記2
- [解説文(2枚目)に「SONG : 2」「"LAVANI"」「3'45"」「This is a specimen of the musical form in which varied tales are narrated in Tamilnadu in an operative manner. On the advent of spring, the professional ballad-singers begin to sing all kinds of songs to entertain the villagers popularly known as LAVANI. This song describes the mythological character Manmath, the God of Love. / The instrument used by the singer is a membranophonic instrument called TAAPE. It is circular in shape and the skin is stretched on one side of the rim for playing by hands. The language of the item is Tamil.」と記載。同資料に小泉教授の手書きによるメモ「5.宗」「春のはじめ」「信仰」「物語り唄」「後半が物語のようになる」「[Tamilnaduに]下線」「[character Manmathに]下線」あり。]
- 分類番号
- koizumi41_南インド
- 録音年
- 1970年