Mediacult Documents,No.6 Roger Wallis and Krister Malm. The interdependency of broadcasting and the phonogram industry. A case study covering events in Kenya during March 1980” ケニア音楽事情 資料番号za00175
A study of Korean traditional music from the standpoint of musical composition-Centered around “Yong-san Hoe-Song”by Jae Youl Park Assistant Professor of Music Music College Yonsei University 資料番号za00174
E.N.Ferentzy and M.Havass. Human movement analysis by computer electronic choreography and composition /Summary/ 資料番号za00173
Javanese Gamelan, Jennifer Lindsay, Kuala Lumpur, Oxford University Press, Oxford, New York Melbourne.(コピー) Olivia de Haulleville氏より送られたもの? 資料番号za00159