
Hide-and-Seek Song
雑資料「JAPANESE NURSERY & CHILDREN'S SONGS」五頁に「(h) KAKURENBO NO UTA (HIDE-AND-SEEK SONG)」「1. Kakurenbo no Uta (Hide-and-Seek Song) 55"」、四十一頁に「E. (h) KAKURENBO NO UTA (HIDE-AND-SEEK SONG)」「1. Kakurenbo no Uta (Hide-and-Seek Song)」「In the wintertime, Japanese children are particularly fond of playing hide-and-seek, which they call kakurenbo. They hide themselves behind the house or trees, and the oni tries to find them in their hiding places. Since the children must keep quiet so as not to be discovered by the oni, they sing no song while hiding. The song of kakurenbo, therefore, is sung when they play janken to decide who is going to be the oni, and who will hide from him.」「The song recorded here was sung by primary school children in Sakurai City in Nara Prefecture in the western part of Honshu [See E(f)-4: Tawara no Nezumi]. And the peonies in the garden of Hase Temple in this city have long been famous throughout the country.」「Here is how this game is played. One of the children holds up his (her) first finger, pointing to the sky, and shouts, "All who want to play hide-and-seek, touch this finger." The one who fails to touch it is made the oni (it) whose part it then is to find the rest of the children who quickly hide themselves in various places. If all the children succeed in grasping the finger of the first child, he, or she, throws off their hands, and shouts "Let's destroy the mountains." Then all the children play janken.」「When more than two children lose in the first round of janken, the others sing the following song before they play janken again. The words of the song go something like this: "What are these? Are they plum blossoms or cherry blossoms which we Japanese love so much? Or are they the peonies of Hase Temple, already in bloom? Roll your eyes round, then look at them closely, and then clasp your hands in prayer." Afterwards only those who have lost in the janken play it again.」「Since Sakurai is an old city proud of its long traditions, and the famous peonies of Hase Temple draw many sightseers from neighboring districts, this game is still popular among the children there.」と記載。雑資料「JAPANESE NURSERY & CHILDREN'S SONGS」三十二頁にじゃんけんの絵図・解説あり。