- テープ標題
- 76 オーストラリア
- テープ副標題
- 鉄道の歌 Songs of the Australian Railways
- DAT番号
- 1390
- 曲・解説順番号
- 07
- 曲名
- The Shooting of the Crow
- 曲名・解説タイトルよみ
- ザ・シューティング・オブ・ザ・クロウ
- 演奏者
- The Larrikins (Declan Affley, Jacko Kevans, Dave de Hugard, Bob McInnes, Cathie O’Sullivan & Warren Fahey)?
- 注記2
- [「ABU関係資料 1976 アジア放送音楽祭(雑資料番号00279)」内の曲目リストと曲目解説「Songs of the Australian Railways」p.1,4に以下の記載あり:「The Shooting of the Crow」「TRAD」「1'25""」、曲目解説に「(6)」「The Shooting of the Crow[下線付]」「1'25」「Railwaymen work hard and usually play equally as hard - ordering and drinking whiskey, and having no intention of paying for the drink, is known to railwaymen as 'shooting the crow'.」「""Come all you true-born navvies and attend unto my lay:/ While walkin' down through Glasgow town, 'twas just the other day,/ I met with Hell-fire Casey, and he says to me: 'Hallo'/ Maloney has got seven days for shootin' of the crow;/ With my follol lol lol lay and my follol lol lol low// ""'It happened near beside the docks in Moran's pub, I'm told/ Maloney had been on the boose, Maloney had a cold,/ Maloney had no beer to drink, Maloney had no tin,/ Maloney could not pay his way and so they ran him in,/ With my fol lol lol lol lay and my fol lol lol lol low// ""The judge he saw Maloney and he says, 'you're up again'./ To sentence you to seven days it gives me greatest pain,/ My sorrow at your woeful plight I try for to control;/ And may the Lord, Maloney, have mercy on your soul,/ With my fol lol lol lol lay and my fol lol lol lol low// ""Oh! labour in the prison yard, 'tis very hard to bear,/ And many an honest navvy man may sometimes enter there;/ So here's to brave Maloney, and may he never go/ Again to work in prison for the shootin' of the crow,/ With my fol lol lol lol lay and my fol lol lol lol low」]。[キーワード]:Australiaオーストラリア、folk song民謡、独唱(男声)、banjoバンジョー(spike lutes ビワ類3シャミセン)、fiddleフィドル(lutes ビワ類2ヴァイオリン)、合奏
- 分類番号
- koizumi38_オーストラリア、ニュージーランド
- 録音年
- 1976
- 注記1
- [第12回ABU(Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Unionアジア・太平洋放送連合)放送音楽祭参加テープのダビング。]