- テープ標題
- 76 ニュージーランド
- DAT番号
- 1388
- 曲・解説順番号
- 05
- 曲名
- A Sailors Lament
- 曲名・解説タイトルよみ
- ア・セイラーズ・ラメント
- 演奏者
- unknown
- 演奏者よみ
- 不明
- 注記2
- [「ABU関係資料 1976 アジア放送音楽祭(雑資料番号00279)」内の曲目解説「The Sea Folk」pp.1,6-7と台本「The Sea Folk」pp.5-6,10に以下の記載あり:「Track 5. A Sailors Lament」「TRACK 5 A SAILOR'S LAMENT DUR: 3'69""」「The ""shiftless"" life of the sailor was reflected in the plaintive songs the sailors sang. Their life was one of adventure, hardened by the uncertainty of sudden death through storm and shipwreck. While singing of the ""free life"", sailors also sang nostalgically of the friends they left behind and the places they'd like to sail to and make their homes.」「For the sailor on a ship bound for New Zealand, bad food, cramped conditions, and treacherous seas, added to his loneliness. There was little romance for the sailor, who went from port to port until he reached raw new towns in the South Pacific, like Christchurch on the East Coast of the South Island of New Zealand.」「TRANSLATION[下線付]:」「""Weep no more my darling, weep no more for me,/ I'm taking a trip on a sailing ship/ Far across the sea,/ Far across the sea.// I've got my sailing orders,/ The time is drawing near;/ I'll be gone 'fore morning comes,/ Many's the mile from here,/ Many's the mile from here.[(Contd.......]// I'm bound to sail the ocean,/ Before the first daylight,/ I know I must return again,/ For to see my darling wife/ For to see my darling wife.// When I return to Christchurch town,/ The place I make my home,/ Maybe then I'll settle down,/ And no more will I roam,/ And no more will I roam.// Weep no more my darling,/ Weep no more for me,/ I'm taking a trip on a sailing ship/ Far across the sea/ Far across the sea.""」、台本に「The Maori tribesmen were not to know that slowly but inexorably they were being drawn closer to a world they had never even dreamed of, the world of the European explorer.」「In 1642 the Dutch explorer, Abel Tasman, sailed up the West Coast of New Zealand, but hardly ventured ashore, and it wasn't till over 100 years later in 1769 that Captain Cook was to sail round New Zealand.」「ANNOUNCER (CON'T)[下線付]」「It was Captain Cook who dispelled the myth that New Zealand was part of an enormous Southern Continent. For the first time in England a small group of interested men, of the British Royal Society in London learned that New Zealand consisted of two large islands, divided by a stormy strait. But it was to be another fifty years before European sailors became familiar with New Zealand's coasts. They were adventurous men, unsatisfied with the life of the lands they had left. They were roving men looking for new homes and money to be had from whaling, and sealing. Their songs are vigorous and melancholy about the better life that always disappeared over the horizon with the next ship. Some were already trying to settle down in the new country of New Zealand, in raw towns like Christchurch on the east coast of the South Island.」「CONTROL: PLAY ""A SAILORS LAMENT"" TK 5 3'09""」「MUSIC DETAILS[下線付]」「EUROPEAN MUSIC[下線付]」「Title[下線付]」「A Sailors Lament」「Composer[下線付]」「Trad.」「DURATION[下線付]」「3'09""」と記載(曲目解説p.1に「男[赤字]」「ギター伴奏[赤字]」「白人[赤字]」の書き込みあり)] 。[キーワード]:New Zealandニュージーランド、独唱(男声)、guitarギター(lutes ビワ類1ビワ)
- 分類番号
- koizumi38_オーストラリア、ニュージーランド
- 録音年
- 1976
- 注記1
- [第12回ABU(Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Unionアジア・太平洋放送連合)放送音楽祭参加テープのダビング。]