- テープ標題
- スウェーデン '76
- テープ副標題
- Emigrant Songs and other Swedish Travel Songs
- DAT番号
- 1386
- 曲・解説順番号
- 4
- 曲名
- I skogen är vårt arbete
- 曲名・解説タイトルよみ
- イ・スクーゲン・アル・ヴォルト・アルベテ
- 曲名・解説タイトル:副題
- In the forest is our job
- 曲名・解説タイトルよみ:副題
- イン・ザ・フォレスト・イズ・アウア・ジョッブ
- 注記2
- 注記2:曲目解説pp.4-5に「The navvies' songs[下線付]」「When the industrial revolution reached Sweden in the middle of the 19th century, Sweden began to undertake large construction jobs: railroads and bridges. With these came a whole new group of workers, the navvies, who in Swedish were called rallare[下線付]. This was what people called those who worked on and built up the railroads, as well as roads and bridges, but it was mostly the Swedish railways that they worked on. Most of these men originally came from poor sharecropper or crofter homes. They had left overpopulated agricultural areas to work in the wilderness. The widely travelled navvies were called the pioneers of culture in a double sense, on the one hand because they built railroads and thus improved communications among previously isolated communities, but also because, through their travels, they came into contact with new ideas which they then spread from community to community.」「The epoch of the navvies lasted from the middle of the 19th century until it ebbed out in the 1920:s or 1930:s when construction methods changed.」「The navvies' songs were composed by the navvies themselves. These songs tell about life at the work sites, about the dangers of the work, the long days, but also about joy and pride in work. The songs were often sung to highly rhythmic melodies. The song became a means to coordinate movements in the work team.」「Song 4[下線付]」「(background)」「One of many songs used as a boring song. These were songs which were clear and straightforward with strong rhythmic patterns, when everyone was to work at the same time. The boring was done when blasting was about to take place. The most common method was that one man held the steel boring spike while two others hammered it with sledgehammers, one after the other. Here the even rhythm was important - otherwise the man who held the spike might get his hand crushed. It was most often the man who held the spike who sang the song.」「Song 4[下線付]」「(contents)」「"In the forest is our job,/ in the forest we must live,/ with the wild animals/ who never rest./ Of some broken logs/ and some needly branches/ and some thin boards/ consists our paradise./ And the food we have/ is only pork and bread/ and a few kegs of herring -/ not luxury perhaps./ (here an interruption in the song as the foreman speaks)/ But so far need has/ not reached its zenith,/ and as long as there's Christianity/ I'm satisfied."」「Song 4[下線付]」「(performer)」「The performer is unknown. The song was recorded at a railway building site in south Sweden by Sveriges Radio in 1937.」「Music example 4[下線付]」「Time: 1'24"」「(I skogen är vårt arbete - "In the forest is our job")」、p.9に「4.」「I skogen är vårt arbete」「In the forest is our job」「Okänd exekutör」「(Gr. Land du välsignade)」「(Based on Thou Blessed Land)」「1'24"」と記載(「[a boring songに]赤色二重下線」「[the steel boring spikeに]赤色下線」「[It was most often the man who held the spike who sang the songに]赤色下線」の書き込みあり)。
- 分類番号
- koizumi75_スカンディナヴィア
- 録音年
- 1976年